If your riding breeches or jodhpurs are uncomfortable, you won’t be comfortable in the saddle. Our advisors will help you find the ideal pair.

Jodhpurs or breeches?
If you ask a rider whether they prefer jodhpurs or riding breeches, they’ll inevitably have a preference. Whichever you prefer, they need to be a good fit, if you’re to be comfortable in the saddle when you go for a trot or compete.

So, what’s the difference between riding breeches and jodhpurs?
Well, they’re very similar, but a key difference is where they finish in relation to your leg.  In any case, both are designed to fit snugly. Jodhpurs finish around the rider’s ankle, whereas riding breeches finish in the mid-calf area.

Careful with the flamboyance!
Both jodhpurs and riding breeches are available in a variety of colours, but you’ll often find that competition organisers expect riders to wear conservative colours, generally white or cream. If in doubt, check the rulebook. 

Here, in a nutshell, is what to consider when buying jodhpurs or riding breeches:

Try out different brands to discover which is your most comfortable fit. Animo, Anna Scarpati, Cavalleria Toscana and the other top brands offer a wide range of styles and fits.

Darker colours are more practical, as they hide the dirt. However, competition rules often require cream or white: make sure you’re prepared.

Microfibres and certain cottons provide a high degree of breathability or warmth.

Don’t guess your size. Be sure to measure yourself before you buy a pair of riding breeches or jodhpurs.

At WB Equiline, we offer a very wide range of men’s, women’s and kids’ riding breeches from the top brands, including Animo, Anna Scarpati, Cavalleria Toscana, and more.

Browse our online store and if you require any assistance, don’t hesitate to get in touch!

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